The Location

At the southern end of Driffield town centre, close to the train station, the publicly owned land is located between Lockwood Street and Beverley Road.

There is currently no public access onto the site, but there is a gated entrance from Lockwood Street.

Approximately 3 acres of untouched land in an area calling out for a sustainable green space for the community.

FoDSP Group

Monthly Meeting

The Friends of Driffield Sustainable Park was formed to press for the land above to be retained as green space for the community to use and enjoy.

We held our first meeting in September 2023, and regularly have around 30 residents from Driffield and the surrounding villages attend our monthly meetings.

In March 2024 we adopted our constitution and became a constituted group.


A history of the green space and our group.

Small Grant Funds

In April 2024, we were successful in our applications for small grants with the Smile Foundation and Driffield Town Council, allowing us to further our campaign to raise awareness of the land and how it could be valuable for the local community.

We became a constituted group

In March 2024 we adopted our constitution.

First Fundraising Walk

Thank you to everyone who turned out for our first FoDSP walk around Driffield in March 2024.

We had our first meeting

In September 2023, approximately 30 residents came together to discuss the green space and formed our group.

Asset of Community Value Rejection

In April 2023, East Riding Yorkshire Council rejected an application for the land to become an Asset of Community Value giving the response that there was “no indication that this site would further the social wellbeing or social interest of the local community”.

What history do you know?

Do you have any memories, stories or history of what the land was used for in the past?

Please get in touch and help our campaign to make this land a community space.

Contact Us